
Everything you need to know about Kidney Transplant

The 21st century is renowned as one of the most advanced centuries in human history as we are advancing rapidly like never before in every profession, along with which we are allowing ourselves to depend upon artificial sources for our survival resulting in a toxic environment making our natural filters weak and increase in kidney transplants and diseases by a huge margin.

Kidneys are bean-shaped fist-sized organs located below the spine whose job is to filter out waste, excessive minerals, and harmful fluids from the blood and form urine to let our body work at its best but when gradually kidneys start losing it’s filtering ability waste starts accumulating in one’s body resulting in high blood pressure and many more diseases, so to prevent more harm experts suggest Kidney transplant instead of a lifelong dialysis. But Kidneys being an important organ for one’s survival rise an issue of fear when it comes to transplants, so here’s everything you need to know about the best kidney transplant hospital in Gujarat.

What is a kidney transplant?

  • When a kidney loses its complete ability to filter waste it results in End-stage renal disease which can be caused by Diabetes, high blood pressure, or Polycystic kidney disease. Individuals with these diseases may require to remove waste through a machine or kidney transplant.
  • A kidney transplant is a surgery where one’s damaged kidney is exchanged for a healthy one, which may be donated by a deceased person or a known living person who has a perfect match.
  • When a kidney is removed and exchanged before it reaches a stage of dialysis is known as a preemptive kidney transplant but it is rarely performed as most experts suggest letting kidneys reach the end stage.

What is the risk associated with a Kidney transplant?

  • With any major surgery, there are several complications that are attached to it in the initial stages such as bleeding, infection, blockage of blood vessels, or leakage of urine which can be cured with time.
  • The new kidney which is transplanted can be rejected by the body during the primary stage as our body acts defensive to any foreign object or tissue, but can be cured with the help of medications which help to trick the immune system and let the transplanted organ survive and not let it attack as a foreign object.
  • Risks for surgery depend upon the individual and their medical condition but you may not be a proper candidate for the transplant if you have a severe heart problem, a current or recurring infection that cannot be treated effectively, cancer that has spread from initial parts to elsewhere or severe condition that cannot be treated other than the transplant.
  • Moreover, risks may arise if you fail to follow the proper treatment and medication plan.

What are the lifelong Benefits of kidney transplant over dialysis?

  • Kidney transplant can help to escape life long treatment of dialysis as one kidney is enough to replace both and let the body function properly.
  • A transplant can help one to have a better quality of life, lower risk of death, fewer dietary restrictions, and lower treatment costs as compared to dialysis which requires a procedure to be followed twice a week to remove waste from the body.
  • Moreover, a transplant offers a great quality of life at lower risks where one can start living normally within a few weeks the transplant is done with the help of medications and treatment.

What are the requirements to get a transplant?

  • The first step for the transplant is to search for a donor, united network for organ sharing can make your process easier to search for a perfect candidate with the help of certain tests which may put you on their transplant list.
  • The transplant team consisting of a transplant surgeon, a transplant nephrologist, one or more transplant nurses, a social worker, and a psychiatrist or psychologist makes certain evaluations before labeling someone as an eligible person.
  • The evaluation includes Mental health evaluation, blood tests, and diagnostic tests, where factors such as financial, social, psychological, and health are assessed through several procedures
  • From the evaluation, the team will weigh all the factors from your medical history, physical exams, and tests to determine your eligibility 
  • Once you surpass all the levels you will be listed on the list of UNOS and will be notified when the donor of your match becomes available but if someone from your family is willing to donate then a transplant can be done at a suitable time after letting the mental test done of the donor to check whether they are ready to donate or not.

What are the precautions one should take after a transplant?

  • Once the surgery is done one might be transferred to the recovery room where they will get observed for a while till one’s condition get’s back to normal.
  • A kidney from a living donor may start working properly in the initial stage but a kidney from a cadaver may take time to start functioning properly, till then they are required to get dialysis.
  • following a proper treatment plan formed according to your health condition can help you to get back to normal as soon as possible.


Moreover, a Kidney transplant is a perfect cure for End-renal disease to provide someone with a better quality of life and a lesser risk of death. A transplant done by Devasya Kidney Hospital in Ahmedabad can help the patient to get a better level of treatment and a perfect plan and medications to recover faster.

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